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When you sign up for this retreat, we ask you to commit– to yourself, your partner, and us– to show up, show up on time, and show up for the entirety of the retreat.

Many, if not most, of our participants arrive with mixed feelings– parts of you may feel open (or excited, relieved, intrigued, turned on, and any number of other pleasant feelings). Other parts of you may feel nervous (shy, scared, frustrated, angry, too busy) or have concerns that lead you to avoid putting both feet into the experience.

It's natural and normal to have these feelings. We welcome your curiosity as well as your hesitations. Our mindful approach acknowledges the complex mix of joy and suffering, desire and aversion, and delight and disappointment inherent in our "real-live" sex lives.

Unfortunately, it's easier than ever with online events to change your mind at the last minute or log off early if you start to feel uncomfortable. So, as you are poised to register for this event, be sure that both of you are committing to be there for the duration unless you have a genuine emergency.*

We price our virtual retreats to be accessible to as many people as possible and do not offer tuition refunds. In emergencies (see below), you can apply your tuition to another program through June 2022.

Part of the magic of Passion and Presence retreats is the feeling of the group. Hearing a bit about other people's experiences builds a sense of camaraderie and understanding. You see that all couples, not just you and your partner, struggle and have resilience. We carefully plan each of our events to include time for this group alchemy, but some of this magic gets lost if a group is too small.

Primarily for this reason, but also due to financial considerations, if we have not met our minimum number of couples by ten days before the retreat's start date, we will cancel. You will have the option to transfer your tuition to a future event or receive a refund if none of the coming events work for you.

So, check inside now. If your body says, "Yes, I am ready," please continue completing the registration below. We can't wait to meet you or continue to support you on the naked path.

[*An emergency is a severe health condition, accident, or family death.]
I agree

Payment information

You will not be charged for this purchase, but if you choose to make an optional purchase later, this card info will be used to complete that transaction!

Completing payment with PayPal

  • Total payment
  • 1xJanuary 2025 Intro Retreat$575

All prices in USD
